King of Wands

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King of Wands

This King doesn’t just think of things that are innovative and bold… he takes action. That’s the difference between this King and the others… he’s the one who steps into the fray. Calculated adventurousness, to be sure, but the result can be amazing. If you’re with this King, you may be whisked away to the…

Queen of Wands

This queen is all fire… she’s passionate and intense and for a lot of people, a love affair with this Queen can be the adventure of a lifetime! Likely, this connection has a profound spiritual connection. Never a dull moment when this queen shows up in your reading. Many times, this Queen can be seen…

Knight of Wands

This Knight is always on the move. They are the party… and it’s usually a traveling one! When you’re with this Knight, be prepared for anything. Dress for dinner and you might wind up at a beach party… think you’re going to the symphony? Try a rodeo. Unpredictability is this Knight’s middle name. In the…

Page of Wands

This Page is a lot of fun – adventurous and inspirational, he’s always on the go. This Page brings in the fresh new ideas and the curiosity needed to follow your nose. When you see this Page, know that there are messages coming in that are likely to ignite some passion deep within — your…

King of Cups

This King has a heart as big as Texas… but despite that, he’s not very good at communicating that feeling. His eyes do all his talking. Generous and loves to give bear hugs… he’s in touch with his feelings and will definitely care enough to help anyone through a rough patch. This King gives the…

Queen of Cups

This Queen lives her life with her heart on her sleeve. She’s the one who’s always giving hugs and a sweet word of encouragement. She may be clairvoyant or just spiritual — either way, she knows exactly what to say to heal. If you see this Queen in a reading, know that your heart is…

Knight of Cups

This Knight is the very definition of the romantic. He’s kind and gentle… even chivalrous. When you see this Knight in your reading, know there is a bouquet of roses headed your way or a beau may soon enter your life with a kiss on the hand. Reversed: There is a love interest who’s having…

Page of Cups

The sweet beginnings of a love affair or a heart-felt apology. The Page of Cups is that very new puppy love feeling, that pass him a note in class heart racing moment. When you see the Page of Cups in a reading, know that something tingly and fluttery is on the way… it’s very sensitive…

King of Pentacles

Everything this King touches, turns to gold (and silver, and diamonds, and rubies…). The quintessential CEO, this King knows how to make a success of any plan. They are generous as well… not sparing any expense where their friends or families are concerned. In reverse, this King is stingy as they come. Calculating and strategic,…

Queen of Pentacles

This Queen will nurture you through practical means… and make you chicken soup when you’re sick. She’s also a guide for you to start taking better care of yourself. The Queen of Pentacles is how you need to be loved… or how you love. She’s very bright and can get things done. Want a solution…