10 of Wands

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10 of Wands

This is unhealthy. Let go of this situation. You are overwhelmed and yet, you just keep doing the same thing over and over, hoping for a different result. That’s not helpful. Stop and take a pause. You need a major change in your direction. In reverse, you finally let go or you get in so…

9 of Wands

A lot of things have happened and you can’t seem to let go. Holding on to the past is limiting your effectiveness and happiness. Before you release the baggage, take a look through it. There are valuable lessons to be learned if you put in the work. In reverse, you’re unwilling or unable to see…

8 of Wands

The end of a period of stagnation and delay. Things are moving forward quickly now. More communication is flowing and you’re feeling like you’re in the flow. Travel – long distance travel – is indicated here. Messages from Spirit are also indicated, especially if the High Priestess or the Judgement cards are present in your…

7 of Wands

You’re the king of the hill and everyone else is trying to knock you off. You’ve started to speak up for yourself, despite the popularity of what you’re saying. Boundaries and standing up for what you believe are key to understanding the Seven of Wands. In reverse, you’re not listening to anyone, even if what…

6 of Wands

Things are working in your favor! You’ve overcome some obstacles and now are seeing things a bit more clearly. This card indicates a big (and likely public) win for you and now, you’re in the driver’s seat. This can indicate leadership roles or winning a public office. People are following your lead. In reverse, you’ve…

5 of Wands

You may be going against popular opinion on something or you’re about to run into a buzz saw of resistance from a larger group. Your idea is shot down at a meeting… not because it’s not good, but because there’s competition afoot. Politics are involved. There may also be some secret alliances if the 7…

4 of Wands

A celebration is at hand. This can be a move, a new relationship begins – or deepens — or even a literal move into a new home. Your plans and dreams are starting to show up in your life. The dream is becoming your reality! In the reverse, there’s a delay, a hiccup, and more…

3 of Wands

Now that you’ve asked for the Universe, you’re awaiting the arrival of what you have asked for… the moment of Manifestation is at hand. Release and let go and live in the joyful moment that you know it is soon to arrive. You may have expectations around how it will show up — the lesson…

2 of Wands

You are ready to manifest. You know what you want and you’ve decided to take action: prayer. Ask the Universe for exactly what you want. This is a time of decision — you can go one way or the other. The direction you choose and the ask to the Universe reveal the path forward. In…

Ace of Wands

A burst of creativity and inspiration shows up and it’s exhilarating! A brand new creative beginning is happening and the potential is unlimited. This can also be a creative spark, the beginning of a business or a passionate new romance. In reverse, this can be a delay in the new beginning or news that puts…