The High Priestess

The High Priestess is still and silent and sits on her throne awaiting your question. She only speaks when asked — and even then, you need to listen very carefully. She is the secrets in the dark, the pillow talk, the whispers after hours. She is your little voice that says, “don’t drive today… take the bus”. She is here in your spread to let you know there’s something going on behind the scenes. Take her very seriously. She’s your spiritual awakening — a head’s up that you’ll need more information as you walk down your path. She’s also known as the Virgin, Diana, or The Virgin Mary. This card is not especially good in relationship to asking about a new love — it can turn into friendship or a mother-son kind of experience.

REVERSED: The High Priestess is the quintessential “Other Woman”. She’s out there, behind her veil, knowing the big picture of the relationship that you’re only just intuiting. In reverse, the High Priestess can also be seen as the unattainable woman.

INNER CHILD HEALING: Listen to your intuition without second guessing yourself… just for one day. Even one hour. You’ve got the connection to your source… it’s time to use it.

BLOCKED INNER CHILD: You may feel like everyone is taking from you… or that you don’t see toxic people coming. You DO… you just choose not to listen to yourself. Give it a try.