As we welcome in Leo Season and August, the very first day of August is going to present you with a wonderful option: Start collaborating.
Seriously, find those who are ready to take flight, hold hands and do so TOGETHER.
This Aquarius Full Moon is lit….and it’s really supportive of anything you want to accomplish. The thing is….you don’t have to do it alone. There are new friends, lovers and alliances ready to charge forth!
The Full Moon in Aquarius is also getting you to reconnect to Spirit in a meaningful way and helping you to focus on your gifts – the Collective really needs you to bring it in August. One way you can do this is by getting your intentions ready – what do you want to create this month? What part of your life needs your attention and intention? Your homework: get that intention clear in your mind. Now. Before the month gets going and before the energy of the month takes hold.
Next week, we have the LION’S GATE PORTAL, the energetic equivalent of a double espresso martini (and just as much fun, too). This cosmic alliance of the Sirius Gateway combined with Leo Season adds fire to this powerful manifesting time. The heightened energy & powerful Spiritual vibration at this time makes it a clear invitation to you: manifest your desires.
On 8/8, my Shaman friend-of-the-Channel Jen Huber and I will offer a special opportunity for you to collaborate with us & manifest your heart’s desire.
I will be sharing with you a powerful TOOL you can use – now and forever – to set your intention & giving you an audio full of powerful mantras and affirmations you can use for the rest of Leo Season to really anchor this manifestation with the Universe.
Jen will be taking you on a Shamanic Journey to the stars, to tap into and really TURN ON this Sirius Gateway and Leo Season energy to set these dreams and goals into motion. Want to jump aboard? Click here to sign up.
This week!

I will be hosting a VERY LIMITED Livegroup – Pathfinder Personal – where 12 of you can get your MOST BURNING QUESTION answered. It’s limited to that small group so we can go DEEP. Here’s the link if you want to jump on to this week’s PATHFINDER PERSONAL pop up session.
- Date: August 3rd at 5:00pm EASTERN
And finally, as we enjoy this fiery energy, I want to give a shout out to all of you who are really stepping into your future with our Tarot Certification. You guys are amazing…all of you!
In August, we’ll be sharing more details with the whole Soulful Revolution family about accessing you for readings. We still have the final test to complete and some details to finish –but you guys are really ready. I’m excited to share you with the world!
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