The Star

Following on to the Tower, now that destruction has hit, you can take a deep breath. There’s nothing to hold on to… it’s time just to float. Let all of that stuff that just blew up in your face float away… The Star is hope. It’s clean and clear… feeling a sense of relief after something that was actually holding you back has been washed away. The healing energy is all around you. Embrace it.

REVERSED: The healing is happening but it’s muted… it’s resisted… it doesn’t come with the same sense of relief or hope.

INNER CHILD HEALING: Allow yourself to feel the freedom and look to the future with positive energy.

BLOCKED INNER CHILD: a genuine blind spot as to your own deserving of inner healing needs attention first before you can get to the root of the issue. Also, too much giving and healing of others while neglecting yourself is the heart of the problem here.