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February 2025

The Strength card in the Tarot is about embodiment. It’s connecting the Divine, Spiritual energy to the deepest core of you. Your Root, Sacral & Solar Plexus chakras are about to give birth to a new you – and the events that are playing out on the planet right now are preparing you for this powerful, energetic, 3D-5D transformation.

The Root Chakra is about our basic needs and how we feel safe. You can see that energy playing out with the Mars Retrograde in Cancer right now. How can I feel safe amid the swirling tides of change? Your assignment is to anchor yourself into Mother Earth and become very still and present in the 3D. Take care of your body, your nutrition, your physical home and land. Be present to the gifts you have been given in this physical experience: your children, your parents, your friends, your partner and your pets. 

The Sacral Chakra is our sexual center and the way we birth our own energy into the world. The Strength card symbolizes the connection between Divine Feminine energy of creation and the courage to birth new life. The process of birth requires a surrendering to the process and we, right now, are birthing the Age of Aquarius: a task entrusted to each one of us on this planet to do our part, even in the face of any fears that may surface. 

The Solar Plexus Chakra is our seat of personal power. It is our Warrior Goddess and defender of the balance, truth and justice. Sometimes it is our own personal truths that require the most power in order that they see the light of day. It is also the place where we notice we’re giving our power away or appeasing a tyrannical bully. 

These three centers are now undergoing a global awakening, in which they are fused. The Heart Chakra that is awakening on the planet right now requires the clearing and alignment of the lower three – and the strong connection to Mother Earth that the Earth Star Chakra (three feet below you into Gaia) provides for support. 

This Heart Chakra awakening is what the North Node in Pisces is all about. You have heard me talk about the Nodes of the Moon for a long time now as evolutionary. It’s the Spiritual evolution of Humankind that is now being birthed – and we, on the Spiritual Path, are leading that courageous transformation. 

The North Node in Pisces recently moved into Pisces from Aries and is activating all of us to awaken. It is the Mystical Heart that is calling. It’s comprised of unconditional love and compassion. Mars in retrograde in Cancer is that very energy: the nurturing Warrior in this Spiritual battle for the soul of humanity. The South Node in Virgo – always look at the shadow aspect of any sign in the South Node to see how it’s triggering the growth – is fear consciousness. When we act out of fear, we hold on to the past & continue to hold ourselves back.
Anything done from fear – especially if it’s forced – will need a re-do when Mars goes direct later in February.

How are you being called right now? Take a look at where your natal Neptune is..this will give you a sense of your Spiritual Mission. Same with your personal North Node – how are you being asked to channel this transformation? The House it’s in will also add more information: each House indicates a part of your life experience: marriage and partnerships (7th), career (10th), money (2nd and 8th) and social causes and networks (11th). Additionally, take a look at where you have Pisces in your birth chart…the transformational energy of the transiting North Node, currently holding hands with Venus and Neptune right at the very end of Pisces – a triple conjunction (powerful elevation of all three energies) is elevating the call to the Collective.

The Full Moon in Leo (the Strength card again comes calling) is the culmination of a courageous beginning. Last year, during Lion’s Gate, dynamic Divine Feminine energy was being summoned. The call to love one another & develop tribe is being activated at this time. The New Moon in Leo on August 4 (and Lion’s Gate on 8/8) was the seed that was planted that is now coming to the time where we now, in February, present our new creation. 

Most of February is asking you to ponder, contemplate, plan and strategize how you plan to employ this courageous Warrior energy. On February 23, Mars will go direct in Cancer and travel the same path once again that it had already passed through, before it even started it’s retrograde on December 6, 2024. The degrees to look at are Cancer 17 degrees through Leo 6 degrees. These degrees will now be traversed AGAIN and this time, based on the Heart-centered consciousness that Cancer gives to Mars, we will be afforded the chance to make a new decision. 

The setup phase for the retrograde began around November 3 – right before the American Election. This is shaping up to be some type of rematch – or a resetting of the choices made – and Mars is the energy that gives us the action orientation needed to make some changes based on our new Heart-centered awareness. 

North Node in the Spiritual sign of Pisces. The triple conjunction of that North Node, Venus and Neptune on February 1. The two-three week gestation of heart-based courage, even more powerful when activated by the Full Moon in Leo. 

Compassion, love, and the Cosmic Heart are calling. The re-birth of the dynamic Divine Feminine energy, in Union with her Masculine (Mars in Cancer). How will you respond?


Rebecca Andrus

I just want to say THANK YOU for keeping it real and keeping people calm. Your passion shines bright and is inspirational!

Veronica Manos

I am enjoying pathfinders, it feels good to have someone ask you to think about what you want. I work with crystals I and understand little bit about Astrology. I have taken classes before.I like that you talk to us not at us. My husband has health problems right now and to respect his wishes I can’t talk about it. I would like to learn more about Astrology.

Carol Sampietro

Hello, Mary Jo,
I have listened to you from day one. I have learned so much from you. Thank you! We are all asked to follow our truth and allow this monumental change to occur.

Kathryn A. Akers

Thankyou MJ for your guidance and inspiration that helps me to be a better person today than I was yesterday. Much of my Love&Light many Blissings and successes Namesta 💜🙏

Jill Evans

Thank you for making it easy to understand you are always so positive and uplifting never doom and gloom ❤️❤️

Cristina Cruz

Fantastic! I liked how you broke everything down in a way we can all understand. I’m trying to live my life like that with more courage and less fear. 🪷

Barbara Cross

Thank you for the newsletter. It was very informative. Out of all of the tarot readers you are my favorite. I love the astrology aspect as part of the tarot which gives me great insight. You have taught me so much especially during my darkest times last summer. You got me through that time and you gave me insights on what shadow work that I needed to work on. You are a bright light and I wake up every morning and enjoy my cup of coffee watching your videos.. God Bless, Barbara

Debra Kalmanowicz

Hello Mary Joe I love everything about you .You give us hope and enlightenment.I am grateful for your presence in our lives

Angely Jones

Thank you MJ for everything you are and do I love your reading they are not only accurate yet gives you the courage and strength to be the best I can be. You are a true gem.


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