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Welcome to Wild October!

Libra season has felt like a break from so much resistance and wound healing that this year’s retrogrades have offered us…so now, I think it’s safe to sound a bit of an alarm about what is approaching: there’s about to be some energy you need to prepare yourself for early in October.

Let’s start with the light energy of Mercury entering Libra on October 4, a great way to flash your diplomatic skills and get people on board with your ideas. You’ll have a quicker wit & be experiencing a flow of communication that makes for positive relationships, contract negotiations (should be smooth). It’s a good time to make plans, get a loan or envision launching your Spiritual Business (more on this later).

The main event, however, that I want to call your attention to is this: Mars squares Pluto on October 8. This could get dicey, people. Mars is in the balanced sign of LIBRA, thankfully, but Libra merely *seeks* balance, it’s not consistently balanced nor grounded. It’s effort to work with the Libra energy to *get* to balance. So, when it comes to a challenging 90degree square with the dreaded Pluto in Capricorn (still in retrograde) and both at 27 degrees, sparks can – and most likely WILL – fly. Squares are pushing us to learn lessons under pressure. Through the square’s stress or tension, you’re forced to choose or to act…or to do NOTHING (even though that might be super hard).

This October 8th square will help us to balance, however, and that’s the work here. When *squared*  Pluto in Capricorn is stress testing any rules, structures, traditions or deeply-held convictions about *how the world works* and Mars in Libra is pushing on the flashing red light saying *do something!* The reason? There may be a conflict with your values (Libra ruled by Venus is our self-worth and our values) and what you’re willing – or no longer willing – to put up with, even though it’s a family tradition or *that’s the way we’ve always done things” – that will chafe like crazy. Breaking through with your values – either changed or more firmly in tact than ever – will likely be the upshot here.

Also on October 8, Venus enters Virgo. This offers a grounded feeling to our values and mission and if you’re suddenly changing the rules of your game/life/relationships, Venus in Virgo will support new routines and daily acts of service (as long as they are for your best and highest good!)

Just two days later, Pluto goes direct and Mars will move on, but the gauntlet has been laid and the battle won or lost. We set about the future with Pluto making its final push (after 15 years) to get out of Capricorn and into the airy, innovative changemaker sign of Aquarius early in 2024. That’s going to be a massively DIFFERENT experience.

On October 13, Mars enters its ruling sign of Scorpio (traditional rulership was Pluto and we’ve already discussed that incendiary transit). The planet of Mars is *happy* here, meaning it’s less rageful and malefic, in theory, but with Scorpio, the rage or the energy can turn inward if you’re not careful. You could find a long-simmering resentment pops to the surface or a jealous streak rears it’s head. One thing is for sure: you will FEEL it. It’s deep and it’s not easy to just dismiss.

On October 14, we have the Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra. This New Moon promises to expand your powers of balance and can activate your sense of fair play and openness to new relationships. Because of the power of the eclipses (they activate our North and South Nodes – karmic mission and path in this lifetime) we can expect our past lives to poke through in the form of lessons in relationships that need balancing. A fresh new opportunity to clear anything that seems *off* or not in a good place, this eclipse has the power to clear past life and ancestral karma – use it wisely!

The Sun enters Scorpio on October 23 and the season moves from this desire for peace and balanced values to a more intense energy. Scorpio season is set to be a very powerful one this year – more in the November newsletter – but before we get there, we have a partial lunar eclipse in Taurus on October 28 – again, poking our values and our self-worth and asking us to purge any relationships, jobs or connections – that cost us dearly, either in time or money. This Full Moon eclipse also activates our ability to accept and allow to the level of your self-worth – so this is a very important lesson to incorporate this October.

The very last day of October, we have Venus Trine Uranus which brings us to a beautiful energy of innovation, based on that self-worth and values. If you’re all set to clear out anything that’s got you off balance and set a course for success, you’ll love WILD OCTOBER.

In celebration of this massive clearing opportunity, I have a special bit of news to break. I am stepping into a request many of you have made of me, lo these last 6 years. We are not only stepping up our Spiritual Business game by adding in a session on implementing Spiritual Principles to any type of business and a session about how to be Authentically YOU on CAMERA. That’s pretty cool…..But…there’s more.

ANNOUNCING: Spiritual Business Accelerator COACHING

Brand New *EXCLUSIVE* Opportunity in 2023: Work directly with MJ to help you break through self-doubt, blocks and obstacles you face & get your Spiritual Business on the road! MJ is now offering an *exclusive* 6-week group coaching program targeted at the *most commonly faced issues* on the path to Spiritual Entrepreneurship.

What’s stopping YOU?

Let’s envision your success and support you on your path to growth & greatness! Apply HERE for limited seats in this very special offering that starts in just a few weeks (October 26).

This opportunity is open to anyone who has taken, is currently taking or wants to take the Spiritual Business ACCELERATOR Course/Operation Launch.

This coaching program is not for everybody, but if you’re determined to shift your life and welcome in abundance, then apply!

I’m very excited to get into topics you want to discuss and I’ll give you block clearing instructions that will help you get your goals and intentions in line to ACCELERATE your success!

Hope to see you there!