The World

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The World

The four fixed signs are indicated in this card of endings and new beginnings. They each embody a different element – earth, fire, water and air. This card represents an ending to a major phase of life and a pause before we start anew. It can represent Cosmic Consciousness, a leveling up to a new…


Crossroads. Are you getting a second chance? The Judgement card indicates the astral realms are trying to get your attention before you make a big, life-changing decision. Sometimes, Judgement can indicate a karmic lesson. Unlike Justice, which is more man made balancing of a wrong, Judgement is a vastly more spiritual righting of the scales.…

The Sun

It’s hard not to smile (or breathe a sigh of relief) when you see the Sun in a Tarot Spread. This card exudes joy, peace, and contentment. It is a sign of confidence, good luck, happiness and all-around good fortune. If you see this card amidst some of the heavier or more difficult energy cards,…

The Moon

The Moon is a lovely romantic image…and one that also obscures the things you might need to see about the situation. You might only see half the picture….or You might not be able to see what’s happening at all right now. Your fear of waking up to the light of day keeps you dancing in…

The Star

Following on to the Tower, now that destruction has hit, you can take a deep breath. There’s nothing to hold on to… it’s time just to float. Let all of that stuff that just blew up in your face float away… The Star is hope. It’s clean and clear… feeling a sense of relief after…

The Tower

Boom! This is a lightning bolt… a shot from the blue. The force of this event will clear the decks of everything not nailed down. Tower moments usually happen when we’ve held tight to a situation or a person or a job that needs to leave our life. It may seem sudden… but really, you’ve…

The Devil

One of the most feared cards in the Tarot Deck, the Devil is a self-created trap. This can be addictions of any kind also. It’s a situation that you may feel is stuck and out of your control…but you created it… and you can walk away anytime you want. The price you pay may be…


Temperance is about the ability to blend something so it can move forward. This requires patience and a bit of alchemical magic. A little of this, a smattering of that… how can we make this work? Temperance is also about patience and being willing to compromise to make something happen. Karma is at work here……


Usually, people are upset when they see the Death card. It rarely means actual Death… instead, it’s the card of major transitions. Moving from one situation in life to another — and it’s usually a dramatic change. Transformation can come in many forms and many times, this card accompanies drastic and sudden situational change —…

The Hanged Man

The image of the Hanged Man is one of martyrdom or victimization. The man, hanging upside down, was a typical punishment in the Middle Ages. In Tarot, the Hanged Man is one who is put in suspension by his deeds and he either must see things differently (upside down, literally) or from a different angle.…